Contact Information



Full Service Bakery

Provided by Broker via Seller
  • Listing# : 18528
  • Listed Price : $160,000
  • Total Sales : $281,158
  • SIC : 2051, 2052
  • Down Payment : $160,000
  • Status : Active
  • Discretionary Earnings : $43,528

Business Type :

Food Business Retail / Specialty Bakery

Business Description :

The Company was launched in early 2022 with its first storefront and followed up with a second storefront in late 2023.  The bakery offers at least 10 different flavors of gooey cookies daily with weekly rotations. Plenty of other baked items such as brownies and pastries, along with delicious bubble drinks in-store.  Bakery's specialty is a unique macaroon recipe, custom ordered and crafted to perfection. 


    • Accounts Receivable $0
    • Incl : No
    • Real Estate $0
    • Incl : No
    • Inventory $10,000
    • Incl : Yes
    • Liabilities $0
    • Incl :
    • FF&E $16,069
    • Incl : Yes
    • Other: $0
    • Incl : Yes
    • Leasehold $12,572
    • Incl : Yes
    • Total Assets $38,641
    • Incl : Yes

Lender Prequalified: No

Similar Listing :

Food Business Retail