Category: Business For Sale

Would You Give Up $2 to Save 30 Cents?

Business For Sale

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I’ve noticed a recurring theme across many business owners that is seriously dampening the value of their companies – that is, running personal expenses through the company.  Perhaps unknowingly, they are doing just that – giving up $2 to save 30 cents. Certain types of personal expenses ...
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Picking an attorney to help with your transaction

Business For Sale

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When selling your company, a good attorney can help make your transaction go smoothly while protecting you from unnecessary legal risks. When looking for an attorney, start with one that you are comfortable with and have used before.  The first question to ask your existing attorney is if they exp ...
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You Have Goodwill…Because??

Business For Sale

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By Dick Halterman Murphy Business – Shenandoah Valley, Virginia From time to time, I am in the unfortunate position of telling some 50-year old business owner that they “just don’t have any goodwill”. “But we have been around forever, or our name is like a household word in the commun ...
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How To Get Your Business Ready To Sell

Business For Sale

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by Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC (edited by Murphy Business Broker Ron Buck) Here are some of the obvious, and not so obvious, steps you can take as you get ready to sell your business: Clean the premises Organize the books and records Deal with any customer/vendor/emp ...
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How To Get Your Business Ready To Sell

Business For Sale

Posted by Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

Here are some of the obvious, and not so obvious, steps you can take as you get ready to sell your business: Clean the premises Organize the books and records Deal with any customer/vendor/employee issues prior to the sale Try to increase revenues without sacrificing margin (increasing revenue ...
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How To Get Your Business Ready To Sell

Business For Sale

Posted by Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

Here are some of the obvious, and not so obvious, steps you can take as you get ready to sell your business: Clean the premises Organize the books and records Deal with any customer/vendor/employee issues prior to the sale Try to increase revenues without sacrificing margin (increasing revenue ...
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The Importance of Intangible Assets When Selling a Business – Business For Sale

Business For Sale

Posted by Business Broker Russell Cohen | Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

You've spent a lifetime building up your business. Whether you have always planned to move on or are selling your business due to the continuing pressures exerted by the many recent economic downturns, you will be looking to achieve the greatest profit attainable for your efforts. That is why i ...
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The Importance of Intangible Assets When Selling a Business – Business For Sale

Business For Sale

Posted by Business Broker Russell Cohen | Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

You've spent a lifetime building up your business. Whether you have always planned to move on or are selling your business due to the continuing pressures exerted by the many recent economic downturns, you will be looking to achieve the greatest profit attainable for your efforts. That is why i ...
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How can I increase the purchase price of my company?

Business For Sale

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The most important and fundamental thing you can do to increase the purchase price of your company is to increase the sustainable cash flow or Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (click here). After that there a number of things that you can do: the self-serving answer is to make sure you hire a profe ...
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When is the best time to sell a business? – Timing is Everything!

Business For Sale

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By Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC The biggest financial transaction in a private business owner’s life is likely the sale of his or her business. Although many transfers are predetermined, others result from unplanned events, which is why it is essential for business owners to ...
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How can I increase the value of my company?

Business For Sale

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There are many ways to increase the value of your company.  As we discussed before, for the most part “buyers buy cash flow.”  Therefore, the best way to increase the value of your company is to increase the quality and amount of your sustainable cash flow (one-time gimmicks or accounting tric ...
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Three Reasons to Sell Your Business Now

Business For Sale

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Great Forbes article highlighting the alignment of three key factors making it advantageous to sell now:  low interest rates, $1.2 trillion in private equity dry powder, and the coming boomer retirement wave. Forbes Article ...
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What is Seller Discretionary Earnings, or SDE?

Business For Sale

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Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (“SDE”) is a common, and highly correlated, metric used in valuations of companies with enterprise values less than $3 million +/-.  For companies with values above $3 million, adjusted EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, income Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortizat ...
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Business Plan Basics

Business For Sale

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By Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC   Ho-hum, you may be thinking. Or, boring. Maybe even, when can I possibly fit this into my hectic week? As an entrepreneur, you are an extremely busy individual who probably shoots from the hip more often than not. So, do you really n ...
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What is my company worth?

Business For Sale

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The true answer is a company’s value is what a buyer is willing to pay and a seller is willing to accept in an arm’s length transaction.  In determining the starting point, or asking price, a valuation will be performed on the company that takes into account the financial trends and opportuniti ...
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What is the process to sell a company?

Business For Sale

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Question of the Week:  What is the process to sell a company? The process is different for every company depending on the structure and type of buyer, but all transactions follow the same general outline:  planning, marketing, deal making, and closing.  At Murphy, we further break down the pro ...
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Business For Sale

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By Murphy Business Broker – Shelly Stansfield The growth or lack of growth in the economy is a current debate. So, if you are one of the Baby Boomers who weathered the 2008 economic crisis and still in business, let's consider your situation. You are labeled a "Baby Boomer" because you are n ...
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How can I speed up the process of selling my company?

Business For Sale

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Question of the Week:  How can I speed up the process of selling my company? A:  Much of the timing of the sales process is out of the Seller’s hands, but there are a number of things that you can do as a Seller to minimize the overall time to sell your company and the time the ball is in yo ...
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How long will it take to sell my business?

Business For Sale

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Question of the Week:  How long will it take to sell my business? A:  While every business and situation is different, plan on at least a month for us to work together to prepare the marketing material on your company (including an opinion of value and a detailed confidential business review). ...
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Think Like a Buyer When Selling Your Business

Business For Sale

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By Business Broker Russell Cohen Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC When you’re hoping to sell your business there are a number of things to be concerned about. There are a few ways you can get a step-up on your buyer and anticipate their moves before they have thought them up them ...
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