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Category: Sell a Business

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  • Sell a Business
If You Are Truly Ready to Sell, Ask Yourself These Questions

If I sell the business now, will I get enough money to satisfy my needs? Will I really improve my personal financial position, or should I wait a little bit longer? Define priorities: Do I want an all-cash deal, so that I can wash my hands and be done with the business? (This will generally resu

  • Sell a Business

Two recent discussions are worth considering when thinking of about selling your business. One gentleman wants to sell his business to a couple employees in a couple of years and the other wants to sell in 10 years. TWO YEAR GOAL: A moderately successful business owner and I discussed having a

  • Sell a Business
  • Selling
  • Selling a business
Murphy Business Broker Explains the Process of Selling Your Business Step by Step

Anyone selling a business should be considering the elements of the sales process. Business brokers are invaluable in each of these considerations: Think It Through – Know What You Want Do you want to retire completely or continue to have a hand or profit in the business? Do you want to move

  • Sell a Business
  • Selling a business
Develop a Negotiation Strategy when Selling a Business

When you begin to negotiate the sale of the business, you will be much better off if you have developed a personal plan and have prioritized which items in the deal are the most important to you and which items you can compromise on and still accomplish your objectives. Prioritize which items are

  • Buy a Business
  • Sell a Business
  • Valuation
You Have Goodwill Because?

From time to time, I am in the unfortunate position of telling some 50-year old business owner that they "just don’t have any goodwill". "But we have been around forever, or our name is like a household word in the community, or we literally have thousands of customers"&nbs

  • Business
  • Sell a Business
When is the best time to sell a business? – Timing is Everything!

The biggest financial transaction in a private business owner's life is likely the sale of his or her business. Although many transfers are predetermined, others result from unplanned events, which is why it is essential for business owners to have an exit strategy. Operate your business as if

  • Sell a Business

The growth or lack of growth in the economy is a current debate. So, if you are one of the Baby Boomers who weathered the 2008 economic crisis and still in business, let's consider your situation. You are labeled a "Baby Boomer" because you are now between the mid 50's and the lat

  • For Sellers
  • Sell a Business
  • Selling a business
Hire A Business Broker When Selling A Business

Selling a business is a complicated and an intricate procedure. However, business brokers play a fundamental role in getting along the process to make it a successful deal. There are several factors and cautions involved that should to be considered before stepping out to sell your business. Findin

  • Business
  • Business Information
  • Buy a Business

The buzz is that if you are a Baby Boomer and you want to sell your business in the next few years, then you are in the majority. You are not the only Baby Boomer and will possibly have your business compete against many more similar businesses in both model and industry. In order to be well-prepare