(203) 405-3723


  • Business For Sale
  • Buy a Business
  • For Buyers
Your First Conversation with the Seller: Making the Most of It

Prospective business buyers often make the terrible mistake of being overzealous when talking with a seller for the first time. I get it; you’re excited. Perhaps you have spent a ton of time looking at listings and do not want to waste any time on potential businesses that fail to meet your cr


  • Business
In Case of Emergency, is Your Small Business Prepared?

Natural disasters may hit at any time of the year, but the recent wildfires in Colorado and derecho (line of violent thunderstorms) that cut a path across the Midwest and mid-Atlantic have made Americans aware that the atmosphere is often very unstable during the summer months. Have you given any t


  • Selling a business
This Is How You Sell Your Business

In the summer, the Owner of a small, but profitable manufacturer of industrial equipment in the Naugatuck River Valley with revenues under $1mm engaged me to value and sell his company.   By the fall, we had chosen our buyer from among five offers.   Sometime thereafter, the Sel


  • Business
  • General Business
What DO Your Employees Want?

I have very fond memories of my first “real” job. After all, this was my initial step into the real world: no longer did I receive cash for a few hours of watching someone’s children; I now had my hands on an official paycheck – complete with my social security number, full a


  • Valuation
6 Overlooked Benefits of a Company Valuation

Most business owners seek a valuation for their company when there’s an immediate need — they’re ready to sell or raise capital now, or they have a shareholder that is being bought out or gifting equity to family. But valuations can be useful whether a deal is imminent or not. We


  • Business
  • Sell a Business
If You Are Truly Ready to Sell, Ask Yourself These Questions

If I sell the business now, will I get enough money to satisfy my needs? Will I really improve my personal financial position, or should I wait a little bit longer? Define priorities: Do I want an all-cash deal, so that I can wash my hands and be done with the business? (This will generally resu