Category: Business Information

Cost of Debt: What It Is, Calculation, and Examples

Business Business Information General Business

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It's been a difficult & trying first half of the year for many business owners. With an eye towards (re)growth, it's vital owners have a strong grasp of their cost of debt and its implications. Insightful read here from Fundera Simon Paine is the Managing Partner ...
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5 Essential Metrics to Improve Business Performance

Business Information General Business Small Business

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"You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” - Peter Drucker Posted by Erik Emanuelli The heart of every business organization is the clientele who buy their products or services. The success of a business can be harnessed through a critical analysis of data about the customers. These metr ...
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Business Valuation Basics – What is SDE & Why does it matter to me?

Business Business For Sale Business Information For Buyers For Sellers Valuation

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Seller’s Discretionary Earnings aka SDE is one of the most crucial concepts when valuing a small business. Put simply for those of us with a finance/investment banking background: SDE is to Small Business as EBITDA is to Big Business. Put simply for those with non-financial backgrounds you can t ...
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Business Business Information Buy a Business Buying a business For Buyers For Sellers General Business Sell a Business Selling Selling a business Valuation Valuing

Posted by Murphy Business Broker – Shelly Stansfield on

The buzz is that if you are a Baby Boomer and you want to sell your business in the next few years, then you are in the majority. You are not the only Baby Boomer and will possibly have your business compete against many more similar businesses in both model and industry. In order to be well-prepare ...
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