Bubble Tea, Coffee and Snacks Business for Sale

  • Listing# : 18440
  • Listed Price : $139,000
  • Total Sales : $230,648
  • SIC : 5812
  • Down Payment : $139,000
  • Status : Under Contract
  • Discretionary Earnings : $76,336

Business Type :

Restaurants / Coffee Shop/House

Business Description :

Cozy, successful and profitable coffee shop for sale in Davie.  Excellent location in a Strip mall close to 595, ample parking.  Rent is only $1,800 a month.  They sell Bubble Tea, smoothies, coffee, Asian shaved ice and snacks.  The shop has a projector playing videos.  Very popular among young audience.  The business had revenues of $230k in the last 12 months, with high profit margin (75%).  Permitted for 31 seats.  Strong Instagram presence with 4,400+ followers.  Top sales is bubble tea and 4.7 stars in Google and Yelp.  Possibility of adding more products such as sandwiches and salads to increase sales.


    • Accounts Receivable $0
    • Incl :
    • Real Estate $0
    • Incl :
    • Inventory $3,500
    • Incl : Yes
    • Liabilities $0
    • Incl :
    • FF&E $30,000
    • Incl : Yes
    • Other: $0
    • Incl :
    • Leasehold $0
    • Incl :
    • Total Assets $33,500
    • Incl : Yes

Lender Prequalified: No

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