(507) 262-6000

Jacob Petersen

Jacob Petersen

Franchise Owner

Jacob Petersen is a business owner dedicated to helping other business owners. He was born in southern MN but also lived for many years in southern New Mexico in his youth. Right of high school Jacob enlisted in the Army and worked as a helicopter mechanic, spending time overseas in both South Korea and Afghanistan. After leaving the Army, Jacob immediately entered college and worked to get an MBA from the University of MN.  Out of school Jacob starting working at a large public accounting firm as an auditor and tax preparer.

In 2009 Jacob earned his CPA credential and in 2010 started his own accounting business. For 7 years Jacob, along with a partner, built a respectable accounting business focused on clients that owned businesses or rental properties. The accounting business they built eventually had over 700 individual income tax clients and 120 business clients. Jacob has also worked as a controller for half a dozen companies, with earnings up to $20 million.

Jacob has served on half a dozen non-profit boards, and currently serves as Treasurer for 2 non-profits and sits on the board for a management association he owns rental properties in.  Additionally, Jacob has taught introduction to business, financial accounting, managerial accounting, strategic management, corporate taxation, individual taxation, and statistics at 3 different colleges.

In 2015 Jacob earned his Certified Valuation Analyst credential allowing him to perform business valuations. Having spent the last decade consulting with small business owners about how to run their company and analyze financial outcomes, Jacob is excited to help entrepreneurs find their next business, or sell the one they currently have.

Jacob has been married for 10 years to Maria, and has two daughters, Anya and Emilia. In his off time, Jacob enjoys working in his yard,spending time with his family and enjoying the outdoors. Jacob is a lifetime learner and is always working to increase his skills both professionally and personally.