New & Used Record Store

  • Listing# : 18158
  • Listed Price : $260,000
  • Total Sales : $0
  • SIC : 5999
  • Down Payment : $260,000
  • Status : Active
  • Discretionary Earnings : N/A

Business Type :

Retail Miscellaneous / Retail Specialties

Business Description :

In business since 1989,  this independent music store specializes in New & Used Vinyl Records, CD's, DVDs, Books, Memorabilia & Collectibles! Rock, Blues, Jazz, Country, Soundtracks and Classical. With the largest new vinyl record selection in Eastern Washington. Tons of Beatles - old & new. Seller states, "Special orders welcome with fast turnaround-if it's made we can get it! And we're always buying!"


    • Accounts Receivable $0
    • Incl :
    • Real Estate $0
    • Incl :
    • Inventory $260,000
    • Incl : Yes
    • Liabilities $0
    • Incl :
    • FF&E $9,500
    • Incl : Yes
    • Other: $0
    • Incl :
    • Leasehold $0
    • Incl :
    • Total Assets $269,500
    • Incl : Yes

Lender Prequalified: No

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