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Category: General Business

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  • General Business
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Forgiveness Application

The SBA recently released (5/15) the first version of the PPP forgiveness application (linked below).  There are certainly going to be tweaks to it going forward, but it does provide specific guidance and calculations for a number of open issues such as:  alternative payroll periods, paid vs. incu

  • For Buyers
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  • General Business
It’s All About Forgiveness (PPP that is…); and Accounting…

Hopefully at this point you have received your PPP funds if you applied for them (if still waiting, there are a few banks still taking applications, let me know).  And now you are wondering about the forgiveness side of the equation and how the heck do we account for the funds received and hopefull

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  • General Business
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) FAQ as of May 13, 2020

Paycheck-Protection-Program-Frequently-Asked-Questions as of May 13, 2020

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  • General Business
CARES Act Full Text

CARES Act Full Text

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Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Overview Table

Nice summary table of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) by the Economic Innovation Group.   Paycheck Protection Program Overview (Economic Innovation Group) 032920

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CARES Act Support and Relief for Small Businesses and Individuals

On Friday, March 27th, the US Government officially approved the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2 trillion stimulus bill. There are several provisions of the CARES Act that, if the qualifications are met, will help support your business and your employees while the

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Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Summary

SBA Webinar PPP Program Summary 032720

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Small Business Trends Among Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Interesting survey results of aspiring entrepreneurs: their goals, rationale, funding options, and challenges. Click Here for Guidant Article

  • Business Information
  • Buying a business
  • For Buyers
2018 Small Business Trends

Interesting infographic posted by Guidant outlining current trends in small business ownership. Click here for infographic

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  • General Business
What DO Your Employees Want?

I have very fond memories of my first “real” job. After all, this was my initial step into the real world: no longer did I receive cash for a few hours of watching someone’s children; I now had my hands on an official paycheck – complete with my social security number, full a

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  • Business Information
  • Buy a Business

The buzz is that if you are a Baby Boomer and you want to sell your business in the next few years, then you are in the majority. You are not the only Baby Boomer and will possibly have your business compete against many more similar businesses in both model and industry. In order to be well-prepare

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  • General Business
The Value of Organization and Time Management

How often do you find yourself looking for that important - yet somehow misplaced - piece of paper? Do you promise yourself that you're going to become better organized, but find the days, weeks and months slipping by with too much work to do and not enough time to start that new filing system o

  • Business
  • General Business
  • Small Business
Small Businesses and the Law

Did you know that your small business is subject to the same regulations as a giant commercial entity? If you find this startling news, you're not alone; most entrepreneurs in the United States assume that laws apply only to much larger corporations. All companies – small, medium, large a