Category: Sell a Business

Should I Tell My Employees I’m Selling?

Business Business For Sale For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business

Posted by Jennifer Smith Hendrickson on

The short answer: no. We have sellers all the time who ask us this and our answer is always the same: it’s a bad idea. Even if your team is small in number and a very tight knit group, we still recommend that you don’t take them along with you on the ride of selling a business. There are a few l ...
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How We Value Businesses

Business Business For Sale Business Information For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business Valuation Valuing

Posted by Jennifer Smith Hendrickson on

You’ve probably received a few newsletters from us now that mention getting your business valued and why you should do that. Perhaps you’re wondering how we actually determine the value of your business. Below are the steps in our process. When we compare our valuations to actual sales prices, w ...
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Valuation Reasons

Business Information For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business Valuation Valuing

Posted by Jennifer Hendrickson on

Do you know what your business is worth?  I mean, really know?  Most business owners think they have a good idea what their business is worth, but often it is only an unrealistic expectation.  Sometimes they shortchange themselves, other times they tend to think it’s worth more ...
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Close the Gap

Business Information Buy a Business Buying a business For Buyers For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business

Posted by Jennifer Hendrickson on

Let’s say that the last few years haven’t been kind to the earnings of your business.  Sellers know they have a great business and that it will rebound in the coming years.  Buyers get that vision, but aren’t willing to pay for it up front.  Therein lays the “v ...
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Never Stop Learning

Business Business For Sale Business Information Buy a Business Buying a business For Buyers For Sellers General Business Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business Small Business Valuation Valuing

Posted by Jennifer Hendrickson on

I recently attended the national Murphy Business conference in Palm Coast, Florida.  The beach was nice (although it rained the whole time) and the opportunity to network with other business brokers across the country is a big draw, but the biggest benefit is staying up-to-date with all the lat ...
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Walk a mile…

Business Information Buy a Business Buying a business For Buyers For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business

Posted by Jennifer Hendrickson on

My husband is, among many things, a trained classical musician and he’s often asked to explain the difference between a violin and a fiddle.  “It depends on whether you’re buying it or selling it,” he says - and he’s not wrong.  A buyer wants to depress the fi ...
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Selling a Business in 2018

For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business

Posted by Jennifer Hendrickson on

One of questions I’m asked most often is:  How does one go about selling a business?  The short answer is this:  Carefully, and with help from several places.  The starting point for selling any business is to engage a trained business broker who will examine and value your ...
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Business For Sale For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business

Posted by Jennifer Hendrickson on

Change hurts.  Changing our businesses with the times is difficult and we can be forgiven for wanting to avoid anything that’s both difficult and painful.  Still, the ways in which businesses connect with their customers has changed and is continuing to do so because those customers& ...
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Unsellable Businesses

Business Business For Sale Business Information For Sellers Sell Sell a Business Selling Selling a business Small Business

Posted by Jennifer Smith on

After nearly two decades of real estate/fixer-upper/curb appeal/garage sale picker reality television, it’s easy to think that there’s a buyer for everything.  That may be true – just not at every price and certainly not at any time.  We’ve had business owners approach us intending to have ...
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