Selling a Business in the Tampa Bay Area
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Whether you’re looking to retire, cash out on your years of hard work, or free up cash to pivot to another industry, there comes a time to sell your business.
The question is, what process can you follow to get the maximum profit while leaving your company in great hands?
At Murphy Business, we help evaluate businesses so sellers can maximize the proceeds of their sale. Here’s what you need to know about selling a business in the Tampa Bay area:
Know Why You’re Selling
Your reasons for selling will influence the amount a buyer is willing to pay. It’s important to work with a broker that can help you express your exit motivation in the most positive terms possible. Sometimes the industry is declining, and you’re just tired of the challenge. Sometimes you’re moving to a new opportunity and need to free up cash.
Understanding clearly why you’re moving on will help us position your sale in the best possible light.
Get Your Records in Order
After running your business for a number of years, you probably have an instinct for how things stand and what each department is doing each day. For a new buyer, however, you need orderly, accurate records so they can understand the value of your company.
Your financial documents, contracts, procedure documentation, and more should be well organized and easy to understand without extensive research. We can work with you to make sure your records tell an accurate and favorable story about your business.
Work With the Right Broker
Finally, you need to sell to the right buyer to get the price and conditions that you need. To connect with that buyer, work with Murphy Business.
An intermediary will help move the process forward in a predictable, efficient fashion. We’ll also negotiate on your behalf to help you get the best possible value for your business. As your broker, we’ll make sure you connect with the professionals necessary to complete a protected, legal transfer of your business.
We keep everything confidential until the deal is finalized. No one needs to know your business is for sale, and we’ll help protect your company’s reputation during the sales process.
If you’re ready to sell your business in the Tampa Bay area, contact us for a consultation today.