SC Window & Door Sales & Installation Company

  • Listing# : 18413
  • Listed Price : $499,000
  • Total Sales : $813,539
  • SIC : 3442
  • Down Payment : $50,000
  • Status : Active
  • Discretionary Earnings : $154,843

Business Type :

Construction / Contractor Windows & Doors

Business Description :

The company engages in various facets of the window and door industry, encompassing wholesale distribution, brokerage, job site delivery of house packages, retail sales, as well as residential and multifamily replacement services. Presently, they serve as distributors for several prominent window and door manufacturers.


    • Accounts Receivable $0
    • Incl :
    • Real Estate $0
    • Incl :
    • Inventory $50,000
    • Incl : Yes
    • Liabilities $0
    • Incl :
    • FF&E $20,000
    • Incl : Yes
    • Other: $0
    • Incl :
    • Leasehold $0
    • Incl :
    • Total Assets $70,000
    • Incl : Yes

Lender Prequalified: Yes

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