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New Price for Extremely Profitable Jewelry Biz

  • Listing# : 18038
  • Listed Price : $450,000
  • Total Sales : $530,031
  • SIC : 5944
  • Down Payment : $90,000
  • Status : Active
  • Discretionary Earnings : $222,381

Business Type :

Retail Miscellaneous / Retail Specialties

Business Description :

2023 revenue up 43%, earnings up 51%
In 1998 the owners began selling sterling silver jewelry as a pop-up event.  The events were in office buildings in the metro Atlanta market. The company has worked with several property management companies in Florida doing shows as well, beginning in the early to mid 2000's. They grew to be the largest vendor of this kind. In 2008 – 2009 they changed direction from office buildings to medical facilities.

Despite numerous economic challenges the business has continued to grow profitably. The business survived during the dot com bust, the financial crisis 7/2009 , and post covid. Since 8/2021 the business has grown and sales this a year are on track be the best ever.  


    • Accounts Receivable $0
    • Incl :
    • Real Estate $0
    • Incl :
    • Inventory $40,000
    • Incl : Yes
    • Liabilities $0
    • Incl :
    • FF&E $1,200
    • Incl :
    • Other: $0
    • Incl :
    • Leasehold $0
    • Incl :
    • Total Assets $40,000
    • Incl : Yes

Lender Prequalified: Yes

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