
The Reality of Selling a Small-Scale Business in 2022


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Selling a Small-Scale Business

Small-scale businesses require a slightly different set of knowledge to sell compared to large-scale businesses. Today, we will discuss what you need to know in order to prepare yourself for the selling of your small-scale business in 2022. 

Limited Buyer Pool

Unlike large businesses, the number of prospective buyers for a small business is on the low end. This is because small businesses have a lower exposure and not many individuals are familiar with small-scale operations. Even with an extremely unique brand and a consistent social media following, the roster of potential buyers is usually locked to your business’s local geographic area. However, you can easily set your business apart by going the extra mile in 2022. Respond to user reviews, personally handle customer issues, and build a strong online brand to stand out from other small businesses in the area. 

Cash Flow

Most small businesses don’t have the capital to hire a dedicated accounting, marketing, or sales team. This means that there are fewer people available to help manage the growth of a small-scale business. The responsibility of these positions for a lot of small businesses falls on the owner themselves. It’s 2022 best practice to create surveys on social media to get in-depth feedback, stay on top of spending by creating extensive documentation, and use word of mouth as much as possible to bring in new customers. The best way to manage cash flow is by hiring an experienced team of financial and business advisors that can look over your finances with you and create the best strategy for selling the business. 


Despite how long you have been growing, diversifying, and supporting your business there is always a chance that the actual sale price of your business does not line up with the valuation or the sale price an owner was hoping for. There is a due diligence period in which the buyer and seller will go back and forth with financial and company documents to determine the sale price. During this time, prepare yourself for the possibility of constantly changing your expectations about the sale price. This can be difficult to deal with as an owner, and equally hard to navigate. This is where having an experienced advising team behind you can become invaluable. They will have the knowledge and skills to get you as close as possible to the sale price you want. 

We’re Here to Help!

Looking to become a business owner in 2022? At Murphy Business, we understand how overwhelming and complicated buying or selling a business can seem. Finding the right business to buy or the right buyer to sell to is a lot of work. That’s where we come in. Our experienced team will help you find the right buyer for your business or the right business for your buck! 

Contact us for more information and connect with an expert today!