(573) 335-1885


  • For Buyers
  • For Sellers
Walk a mile…

When selling most things (including a business) there’s a universal truth:  A buyer wants to depress the final sale price and the seller wants to maximize it.  The buyer wants the lowest price and the most favorable terms possible.  The seller wants the highest price and to protect themselves w


  • For Sellers
  • Valuation
What is Your Business Really Worth?

If you own a business, at some point you’ll need to know what it’s worth: whether for estate planning, a significant life change, or potential sale. Without expert guidance in how a business is valued accurately, it can lead to pitfalls that might not only skew your expectations but could al


  • Business
  • For Sellers
Red Flags When Working with a Business Broker

This article was originally written by Melanie for BizBuySell. If you’ve worked with a business broker before, you’re familiar with the process and what to expect. If not, here’s a brief synopsis of what that collaboration looks like: A business broker’s role is to assist both buyers and


  • General Business
Avoiding Embezzlement

The word embezzlement strikes fear into every business owner. The stories are always horrible, and we usually hear from the business owner that it was done by a highly trusted employee who was “like family”. We’ve seen embezzlement happen to businesses owners who are very hands off with th


  • Business
  • For Buyers
  • For Sellers
What is an Earn-out?

We’ve looked at a few businesses recently where the past few years’ earnings are lower than normal. Whether it’s still a result of COVID, supply issues, not adjusting pricing properly, or a myriad of other things, this leads to lower valuations. Sellers know they have a great business and that


  • Business Information
  • For Sellers
How and When to Tell Employees About the Sale of the Business

If you have been part of selling a business in the past, you understand the delicacy of good communication and keeping the news confidential until the time is right. Mishandling communication can lead to a host of problems: valued employees might leave, morale could plummet, and the company's op