
How Much is Your Business Worth?

Business Business For Sale Business Information For Sellers Sell a Business Valuation Valuing

Posted by Tony Samples on

Is your business gaining value each year?

Are there issues in your business that are reducing the value?

Are you counting on the proceeds from the sale of your business to help fund your retirement?

In business there is one certainty: At some point every privately held business will be sold, transferred to a relative/employee, or closed.

Some business owners operate their business without ever considering an exit plan. They think they know how much their business is worth but most of the time, they are very mistaken, and worst, they usually come to this realization when there isn’t time left to make any changes.

The solution:
Get a professional business valuation. This will explain the current value of your business and allow us to show you where changes can be made over time to add value to the business. Also, once completed, the valuation can be updated annually for a fraction of the original cost. By getting the valuation updated annually, you can easily see where progress is occurring and where more work is needed. But more importantly, you will know the value of your business and can plan your retirement or next steps more accurately.

 Call us for a free conversation: 706-222-7710.