

Sell a Business

Posted by Murphy Business Broker – Shelly Stansfield on

The growth or lack of growth in the economy is a current debate. So, if you are one of the Baby Boomers who weathered the 2008 economic crisis and still in business, let's consider your situation. You are labeled a "Baby Boomer" because you are now between the mid 50's and the lat ...
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Think Like a Buyer When Selling Your Business

Buying a business For Buyers For Sellers Selling a business

Posted by Business Broker Russell Cohen - Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

When you're hoping to sell your business there are a number of things to be concerned about. There are a few ways you can get a step-up on your buyer and anticipate their moves before they have thought them up themselves. If you want to swim with the piranhas you're going to have to nip a fe ...
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Hire A Business Broker When Selling A Business

For Sellers Sell a Business Selling a business

Posted by Business Broker Russell Cohen Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

Selling a business is a complicated and an intricate procedure. However, business brokers play a fundamental role in getting along the process to make it a successful deal. There are several factors and cautions involved that should to be considered before stepping out to sell your business. Findin ...
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Business Business Information Buy a Business Buying a business For Buyers For Sellers General Business Sell a Business Selling Selling a business Valuation Valuing

Posted by Murphy Business Broker – Shelly Stansfield on

The buzz is that if you are a Baby Boomer and you want to sell your business in the next few years, then you are in the majority. You are not the only Baby Boomer and will possibly have your business compete against many more similar businesses in both model and industry. In order to be well-prepare ...
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The Value of Organization and Time Management

Business General Business

Posted by Murphy Business & Financial Corporation LLC on

How often do you find yourself looking for that important - yet somehow misplaced - piece of paper? Do you promise yourself that you're going to become better organized, but find the days, weeks and months slipping by with too much work to do and not enough time to start that new filing system o ...
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Small Businesses and the Law

Business General Business Small Business

Posted by Richard Parker on

Did you know that your small business is subject to the same regulations as a giant commercial entity? If you find this startling news, you're not alone; most entrepreneurs in the United States assume that laws apply only to much larger corporations. All companies – small, medium, large a ...
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