
Walk a mile…

For Buyers For Sellers

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When selling most things (including a business) there’s a universal truth:  A buyer wants to depress the final sale price and the seller wants to maximize it.  The buyer wants the lowest price and the most favorable terms possible.  The seller wants the highest price and to protect themselves w ...
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What is Your Business Really Worth?

For Sellers Valuation

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If you own a business, at some point you’ll need to know what it’s worth: whether for estate planning, a significant life change, or potential sale. Without expert guidance in how a business is valued accurately, it can lead to pitfalls that might not only skew your expectations but could al ...
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Red Flags When Working with a Business Broker

Business For Sellers

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This article was originally written by Melanie for BizBuySell. If you’ve worked with a business broker before, you’re familiar with the process and what to expect. If not, here’s a brief synopsis of what that collaboration looks like: A business broker’s role is to assist both buyers and ...
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Avoiding Embezzlement

General Business

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The word embezzlement strikes fear into every business owner. The stories are always horrible, and we usually hear from the business owner that it was done by a highly trusted employee who was “like family”. We’ve seen embezzlement happen to businesses owners who are very hands off with th ...
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What is an Earn-out?

Business For Buyers For Sellers

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We’ve looked at a few businesses recently where the past few years’ earnings are lower than normal. Whether it’s still a result of COVID, supply issues, not adjusting pricing properly, or a myriad of other things, this leads to lower valuations. Sellers know they have a great business and that ...
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How and When to Tell Employees About the Sale of the Business

Business Information For Sellers

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If you have been part of selling a business in the past, you understand the delicacy of good communication and keeping the news confidential until the time is right. Mishandling communication can lead to a host of problems: valued employees might leave, morale could plummet, and the company's op ...
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Typical Terms in a Business Broker Contract

Business For Sellers

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If you aren’t familiar with what a business broker does, they act as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of a privately owned business. Essentially, their job is to quarterback the entire deal from pinpointing your business's worth, marketing strategies to sell, vetting buyers, smoothin ...
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Announcing the Sale of Your Business: Common Employee Questions and Concerns

Business For Sale For Sellers Sell a Business Selling

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Announcing the sale of your business to employees can be a delicate matter that requires good communication and keeping the news confidential until the sale is definite. Mishandling communication can lead to a host of unwanted problems that can easily be avoided with some preparation. Before you ...
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How Getting Your Business Valued Shapes its Future

Business Business For Sale Business Information For Sellers General Business Valuation

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The journey of business ownership is an adventure filled with ups and downs. To navigate this path with more ease and clarity, understanding the true value of your business is akin to having a reliable compass. This process isn't just about numbers; it's about making informed choices that shape your ...
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Common Challenges to Selling a Business: Business Owner Insights

Business For Sellers Selling a business

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Deciding to sell your business is a significant milestone that requires careful planning and is often accompanied by mixed emotions and challenging decisions. Having a clear understanding of the overall process and what will attract or turn away quality buyers is key. Let’s explore some of the ...
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Considering Selling Your Business in 2024?

Business Business For Sale For Sellers Sell a Business

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Selling your business is a significant decision that requires careful planning and execution. Too often, a business owner waits until they are ready to sell their business to start planning their exit. While it can be done on the fly, a lack of planning often leads to an unnecessary decrease in ...
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12 Ideas to Attract and Keep Employees


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The job market is very competitive and one of the more challenging tasks a business owner deals with. Finding and keeping the right employee takes time and ultimately, it’s costly. But the cost of not getting the right employee or losing the one you’ve recruited, trained, and invested in, is ...
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Hope is Not a Strategy…and Private Equity Isn’t Your Escape Route

Business Information General Business

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This job is riddled with hard conversations. Recently we talked with a business owner who was making decent money the last few years and this year the train came off the tracks. He blamed all kinds of macro-economic factors, but the reality is that he didn’t adjust his business strategy to acc ...
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How to Successfully Sell Your Business to an Employee

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Selling your business to an employee or a group of employees, often referred to as a management buyout, can be a mutually beneficial arrangement because the employee is familiar with the business and its operations already and they are a known quantity. This is also a great way to preserve the l ...
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How We Help

Business Business Information Sell

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August. Here in Southeast Missouri, that means sweltering heat and school starting back up. As families get back into a routine, we also see an uptick in business owners recommitting to their business goals. For some, that’s thinking about strategic growth. For others, it’s considering if it is ...
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The Rhythm of the Deal

Business Buy a Business Sell a Business

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So much in our lives follows a natural rhythm – breathing, heart beating, asleep/awake, the rising and setting of the sun, the ocean tides, music.  These rhythms are comforting – necessary even.  They help us keep track of time.  Occasionally they go completely wrong:  We get short of breath ...
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Three Financial Reports You Need to Look at When Buying a Business

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The following article was originally written by Melanie Smollen for BizBuySell. When you buy an existing business vs. doing a start-up, it’s an exciting opportunity to leverage an established brand and pay yourself on day one, but how can you be sure you are buying a good business? There ar ...
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What to Investigate When Buying a Business

Buying a business For Buyers

Posted by Melanie Smollen on

Buying an existing business is an exciting opportunity to leverage an already established brand and pay yourself on day one. It can also be less risky than starting a business from the ground up. But how can you be sure the business you want to buy is a good business? Doing your homework is esse ...
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7 Things You Need to do Now to Make Your Business Sellable

Business Information For Sellers

Posted by Melanie Smollen on

Someday you will sell or transfer ownership of your business so you can move into the next chapter of your life. Too often, a business owner waits until they are ready to sell their business to start planning their exit. Unfortunately, this can lead to a decrease in value. Here are some best pra ...
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Save Now, Pay later – A Cautionary Tale on Running Personal Expenses Through Your Business

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Nobody likes to pay taxes. We get that and we don’t like to pay taxes either, but many business owners have been known to blur the lines of “business” and “personal” expenses to save money on taxes. No one talks about it, or likes to admit it, but it happens a lot. We see it all the ti ...
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